Cameron Robbins

“Goolamwin” , 2022.

marine-grade steel, 6061 aluminium, UV stabilised composite fibre, silicon bronze, bearings

from TARRMAC STUDIO, CAMERON ROBBINS STUDIO, SHARYN EGAN, JAMES MORTON; Western Australia, Ridge View Secondary College, WA Department of Finance for art scheme completed 2023

”The HawkFlight Duet wind sculptures are twin kinetic works complimenting each other. 

They command two focal points of the RidgeView site, making visible the unseen forces at work in the wind. The ‘Kestrel’ work near the entrance demonstrates the more laminar flow of the sea breeze winds. The ‘Wind Hover’ nearer the school buildings visualises the turbulent airflow from the topography of the site - buildings, trees. 

The Wind Vanes riff on the shape of hawk wings, tails , and colours, an evolution of form streamlined and abstracted for this application. 

Wind is not flat but moves in baroque waves and eddies.

HawkFlight Duet is finely balanced, responsive, extremely robust and highly engineered - whilst being dynamic and ever-changing in response to the slightest eddies or the heaviest storms. 

Both works use a system developed by Cameron Robbins Studio that allows the long vane to oscillate both Horizontally and Vertically , to visualise air current in all 3 dimensions.

The Duets works are anchored in heavy timber, stone and steel contoured ground works.  These forms reflect geological and atmospheric dynamics particular to this site ….

The colour palette of Hawk Flight Duet reflects the colouring of the birds themselves, the light hovering contrasted with the technological physics and aesthetic of burnished metal and high strength infrastructure.”

- Cameron Robbins